Happy New Year!
​​​​​​​​Recently performed in FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury
produced by The Greenhouse Ensemble
Oct. 24- Nov. 9
Cartoons for The New Yorker - eight published thus far!
All can be seen here (and also can be ordered on all manner of merchandise! :-) ):

"The five-person ensemble of Jarel Davidow, Anne Fizzard, Gerrianne Raphael, Mike Smith Rivera, and Evan Thompson is top-notch and over the course of the evening each performer is given the opportunity to shine ... The performance’s final piece, The Whole Shebang, captures excellent work from Fizzard, Davidow and Rivera as creations and Creator, respectively."

- Patrick Garrigan

" ... A talented cast, and a base note of comedy which ranges from the absurdly silly to the thoughtfully facetious, giving audiences an opportunity to indulge in every kind of laugh from the titter to the snort to the guffaw ... Jarel Davidow, Anne Fizzard, Gerrianne Raphael, Mike Smith Rivera, and Evan Thompson play well off each other and create a wonderful atmosphere where Orloff’s lines are able to zing and bounce for best comic effect. Each actor does a solid job of bringing new spark to each role; every time the lights come up they have completely transformed themselves and yet consistently deliver laughs. Each member of the talented cast has an opportunity to play multiple roles throughout the evening ...
Just as thoughtful as it is funny, HA! is a well-staged show that features a terrific cast. Definitely a great night of theatre ... "
- Karen Tortora-Lee

You Are Here! (A Man Walks into a Bar)
"We barely get to see the soused Angel played by Anne Fizzard but she
creates an indelible image.​"​

- Susan Hall